Abono Salarial: Lotes atrasados já estão liberados, veja como receber

The salary bonus better known as PIS/Pasep for employees who worked in 2019 and 2020 can be redeemed at any time.

Anyone who worked formally in 2019 and 2020 may have good money on hand to retire. In addition to the delay in the payment of the PIS/Pasep salary bonus with base year 2020, the federal government also approved the withdrawal of the benefit for 2019 with all the requirements below:

  • You worked for a legal entity for at least 30 consecutive or non-consecutive days in the base year;
  • You received an average of up to two monthly minimum wages in the base year;
  • You have been registered with PIS/Pasep for at least five years.
  • Have the correct data provided by the employer in the annual social information report (Rais) or eSocial.

The value of the early withdrawal is up to one minimum wage per person, corresponding to the number of months worked in the year considered for the calculation. Those who worked in 2019 and 2020 can add up to two salaries.

How to withdraw the allowance for the base year 2020?

The social security deposit ended in March and is now available to all account beneficiaries. For employees of private companies, PIS is paid by Caixa Econômica Federal. Public employees receive Pasep through BB.

The PIS/Pasep consultation can be carried out online, on the Digital Work Card application or on the digital channels of paying banks. Another option is to call 159.

How to withdraw the allowance for the base year 2019?

In other words, anyone who did not redeem the payment made for the base year 2020 has the opportunity to do so again until the end of that year. In the case of the provision relating to the base year 2019, that is, remission of the credit must be requested. Check out the channels:

Regional Units of the Department of Labor.
E-mail to [email protected], replacing uf with the acronym of the state in which you live.
Deadline for payment of money is December 29th. Otherwise, the worker will have to wait until the next payment schedule.

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Pedro Henrique

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