Read more about the article Vagas de emprego Eletropaulo: atendente, atendente telefônico, contabilidade, engenharia, operações, recursos humanos, finanças, marketing, supervisor de campo, eletricista, eletricista de manutenção.
Pavel Job Vacancies - Open Scenario

Eletropaulo job openings: attendant, telephone attendant, accounting, engineering, operations, human resources, finance, marketing, field supervisor, electrician, maintenance electrician.

Eletropaulo job vacancies are highly sought after by people who live in one of the 3 states where the company operates. Read with us and find out!

Continue ReadingEletropaulo job openings: attendant, telephone attendant, accounting, engineering, operations, human resources, finance, marketing, field supervisor, electrician, maintenance electrician.
Read more about the article Vagas no Condomínio Green Village: Porteiro, Cozinheiro, Recepcionista, Técnico da limpeza, Jardineiro e Responsável técnico de manutenção.
Vacancies at the Green Village Condominium - Cenár

Vacancies at the Green Village Condominium: Doorman, Cook, Receptionist, Cleaning Technician, Gardener and Technical Maintenance Manager.

Vacancies at the Green Village condominium offer an excellent opportunity for those who are looking for a stable, well-paying job. The condominium has a complete infrastructure and is considered a…

Continue ReadingVacancies at the Green Village Condominium: Doorman, Cook, Receptionist, Cleaning Technician, Gardener and Technical Maintenance Manager.
Read more about the article Partmed saúde vagas: Atendente telefônico, Recepcionista, Controlador de Acesso, Profissional da Limpeza, Auxiliar de Limpeza, Auxiliar de Cozinha, Cozinheira, Assistente Administrativo, Auxiliar de Almoxarifado, Assistente de farmácia, entre outros.
Partmed Saúde - Open Scenario

Partmed Saúde vacancies: Telephone attendant, Receptionist, Access Controller, Cleaning Professional, Cleaning Assistant, Kitchen Assistant, Cook, Administrative Assistant, Warehouse Assistant, Pharmacy Assistant, among others.

Partmed Saúde Vacancies is a healthcare company that has more than 20 years of experience in the sector. The company offers quality health services, with highly qualified professionals…

Continue ReadingPartmed Saúde vacancies: Telephone attendant, Receptionist, Access Controller, Cleaning Professional, Cleaning Assistant, Kitchen Assistant, Cook, Administrative Assistant, Warehouse Assistant, Pharmacy Assistant, among others.
Read more about the article Clínica Docctor Med vagas: Auxiliar de Cozinha, Atendente de Recepção, Auxiliar de Limpeza, Almoxarifado, Auxiliar Administrativo, Técnicos de enfermagem, Fisioterapeutas, entre outros.
Doctor Med Clinic - Ab Scenario

Doctor Med Clinic vacancies: Kitchen Assistant, Reception Assistant, Cleaning Assistant, Warehouse Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Nursing Technicians, Physiotherapists, among others.

Clínica Doctor Med vacancies is a medical clinic that offers integrated health services to patients. The company is committed to offering its patients quality care, professional advice…

Continue ReadingDoctor Med Clinic vacancies: Kitchen Assistant, Reception Assistant, Cleaning Assistant, Warehouse Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Nursing Technicians, Physiotherapists, among others.
Read more about the article Uniodonto trabalhe conosco: Auxiliar de Limpeza, Atendente, Operador de Sistemas, Gerente de Projetos, Gerente de Recursos Humanos, Dentista e Cirurgião Dentista.
Uniodonto - Open Scenario

Uniodonto work with us: Cleaning Assistant, Attendant, Systems Operator, Project Manager, Human Resources Manager, Dentist and Dental Surgeon.

Uniodonto work with us is one of the main dentistry companies in Brazil, offering oral health services to thousands of Brazilians. With more than 25 years of experience, Uniodonto…

Continue ReadingUniodonto work with us: Cleaning Assistant, Attendant, Systems Operator, Project Manager, Human Resources Manager, Dentist and Dental Surgeon.
Read more about the article Aman Facilities vagas: limpeza profissional, segurança privada, segurança de patrimônio, jardinagem, manutenção de casas e edifícios, zeladoria, higienizador de piscinas, portaria, controlador de acesso, recepção, operador de teleatendimento, entre outros.
Aman Facilities - Open Scenario

Aman Facilities vacancies: professional cleaning, private security, property security, gardening, house and building maintenance, janitorial, pool sanitizer, concierge, access controller, reception, call center operator, among others.

Aman Facilities vacancies is a company providing maintenance and installation of equipment for industry and commerce. The company's mission is to offer quality services to…

Continue ReadingAman Facilities vacancies: professional cleaning, private security, property security, gardening, house and building maintenance, janitorial, pool sanitizer, concierge, access controller, reception, call center operator, among others.