Our main objective is to unite professionals with hiring companies, so that you can find the vacancy you were looking for, and thus reduce the unemployment rate throughout the national territory.…

On our website you will find an extensive list of companies from the most varied sectors, being able to find the vacancy of your dreams based on your interests. 

VAGA ANALISTA – RJ : Detalhes!


Executar serviços de apoio na área da Qualidade. Atender clientes internos e externos, fornecendo e recebendo informações, visando contribuir para o aprimoramento dos processos do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade; tratar de documentos variados, cumprindo todo o procedimento necessário referente aos mesmos; preparar relatórios e planilhas; executar serviços gerais de escritórios; Acompanhar processos administrativos do setor de Qualidade; verificar prazos estabelecidos; localizar processos; acompanhar notificações de não conformidade; encaminhar protocolos internos; atualizar dados do planejamento anual; realizar publicação de documentos; Executar as diretrizes dos PRQs (Procedimentos de Qualidade); Atender gestores, Alta direção, serviços terceirizados, visitantes e auditores; consultar coordenação e Diretores de outras unidades da Instituição sobre assuntos relativos ao setor de Qualidade, trocando informações, para complementar seus conhecimentos. Auxiliar na supervisão de livros de controles internos do setor, bem como na resolutividade de pendências. Executar rotinas de apoio no setor de Qualidade; Organizar reuniões do setor de Qualidade, com controle de atas de reunião, elaboração de relatórios e dados estatísticos. Acompanhar as ações recomendadas às áreas, a fim de verificar sua implementação e/ou ações corretivas. Promover e executar treinamentos relativos à Qualidade. Realizar auditorias de comissões semestralmente. Acompanhar as Auditorias internas. Realizar treinamentos sistêmicos para os gestores da organização. Prestar assistência aos setores, no processo de desenvolvimento e manutenção dos sistemas de Qualidade, buscando informações e feedbacks que possibilitem a avaliação dos programas já implantados. Manter controle dos registros da Qualidade e controlar os certificados, sua vigência e vencimentos. Manter o setor de Qualidade organizado e observar os prazos estabelecidos para os processos da área visando o atendimento eficiente e eficaz. Participar da elaboração da política da Qualidade da Unidade Hospitalar, colaborando com informações, sugestões e experiências.

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It is important to remember that our company does not charge any amount as a fee for using our platform. jobs. Our real goal is to bring candidates and companies closer together, and vice versa, non-profit, just seeking to further promote the Brazilian employment sector.

If, at any time, someone charges you a fee to use it, immediately report it to our Customer Service Center, and avoid paying any fee they charge, no matter how small. Avoid paying fees in exchange for a vacancy guarantee, this does not exist and we do not condone this type of conduct.

To use our platform in a simple and direct way, just pay attention to the vacancy details, such as specifications, scroll to the bottom of the page, check the employer's communication data and get in touch.

How to send your resume?

to send your curriculum, you must forward to the e-mail with subject containing the name of the vacancy of interest and your resume attached to the e-mail [email protected] or through the website HR Brazil, remember to update all contact details and keep an eye on your email and phone, good luck.



Again, we ask you to pay attention to the vacancies that are made available. Job vacancies are used as a method for fraud, seeking to take money from people who have good intentions, for a long time, decades to be precise.

Fraudulent vacancies have always existed and are based on the premise of charging a guarantee fee for the job or for viewing company details, but soon after paying, the vacancy disappears. So be very careful with this type of fraud.

In addition, there are companies that survive by charging fees from candidates and companies, and again we emphasize that we do not condone this type of conduct, since our platform is completely free for both parties involved.

With that in mind, try to take some precautions to avoid falling for false vacancies, such as?:

  • Companies that schedule an interview, but the day before the date reschedule and ask for a guarantee amount for you to book your interview. That doesn't exist, either there's an interview or there isn't. Never pay a fee to participate in any process;
  • Do I find it strange that the company pays twice the common salary for the working class? Be suspicious! We know that you are looking for a good job opportunity, with good conditions, with high wages. But, as the saying goes, “when the alms are too much, the saint is suspicious”. Again, these are false vacancies, in which some amount may be charged before, during or after the interview, in exchange for guaranteeing a vacancy;
  • Finally, reject any and all types of advertisements that ask for a photo of personal documents, pay slips or any other similar situation. Report this type of action immediately to the competent bodies.