Loan Differences: Banco Nubank and Inter, see what changes.

Despite similar services, digital banks can differ in number when it comes to personal credit lending.

When it comes to digital banks, Nubank and Inter occupy prominent positions in the national financial scenario. Both belong to the group of large fintechs operating in Brazil and have a significant number of customers. In addition, they are known for loans with digital 100% applications.

Many people have doubts about which of the two places is more advantageous to apply for a loan, considering that both have similar services. And to show that there is a disconnect between the institutions, UBS BB analysts decided to write down the main difference between Nubank and Inter loans.

In practice, what changes in relation to the loan from the two banks?

Analysis by experts shows that the number of users who have requested a loan of at least R$200 from Nubank reaches 21 million. This is equivalent to R$451,300 of the digital bank's customer base.

In comparison, Inters' value is R$1.4T2 million, which represents 151.3T of the total subscribers. The data is from the third quarter of 2021.

Therefore, Nubank’s high cost risk compared to Inter is noticeable, despite the different provisioning policy and business model. However, considering the big picture, both companies charge similar deployment fees for each customer.

Pedro Henrique

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