Motivational: How to develop resilience

A resilient person, according to the definition, is capable of moving forward and even prospering in the face of adversity, this is resilience, find out more details about how this habit can thrive.

First of all, Resilience is the process of dealing with different types of stress, adversity, and recovering from trauma or adversity. Developing this skill from an early age, especially in children, is very important, as they need to learn to overcome the challenges that the world imposes.

Some factors to develop resilience

However, the most common factor in developing resilience is having a close and positive relationship with affectionate, warm and supportive parents or guardians. Do this, try getting closer, being closer to your family.

In this way, this solidified relationship key can be established through what child development experts call primarily and in part authoritarian parental control. That is, authoritarian parents or guardians are in some way affectionate, even receptive, to the emotions of their beloved children, thus promoting the development of emotional regulation, which is an extremely important protective factor.

Resilience: Stay flexible

People who are resilient expect to face challenges in this way at different points in their lives. Thus, they are able to adjust their objectives, that is, to find ways to adapt.

Learn lessons: basic rule

“When you have a negative experience, focus on the positive lessons you can learn from it,” words from Ani Kalayjian, a psychologist in the greater city of New York.

That way, when a difficult situation arises, don't focus on finding who is to blame, or who is no longer guilty, that is. Stop asking “why me?” So, let go of the victim role. Don't do this attitude, then ask yourself what you could do differently, to eventually get a better result for yourself.

Always have a positive attitude

Reflect on it, breathe Think a little about how you can improve your situation, and then do it, 5 minute rule, Think about something for 5 minutes and then find a solution, don't dwell on the problem for more than 5 minutes.

Finally, always weigh all the questions, don't take hot-headed actions, always look for peace.

Pedro Henrique

Website writer, trained in advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.