Loan without credit history - find out about the loan options at Revolut

Loans without credit history at Revolut are available for two types of loans, personal and business!

Types of Loans - Open Scenario

Personal Loans:

  • Offered to people aged 21 and over;
  • Flexible payment term;
  • Discounts on installments paid on time;
  • Service 7 days a week;
  • Financial intelligence support;
  • It adds positively to your credit history.

Business loans:

  • Available for small, medium and large companies;
  • Longer payment deadlines;
  • Lower fees.

Loans without credit history from Revolut are taking up more and more space among the choices of those who want to take out a loan. To also take out your loan, access the green button.


1. Fast and Uncomplicated Approval

One of the main advantages of the Revolut Loan is fast approval. The process is uncomplicated, requiring just a few clicks on the app. This allows customers to access funds in a matter of minutes, ideal for emergency situations.

2. No Hidden Fees and Unpleasant Surprises

At Revolut Lending, transparency is key. Customers do not need to worry about hidden fees as all information is presented clearly before loan approval. This ensures that there are no unpleasant surprises in the future.

3. Competitive Interest Rates

Another significant advantage is the competitive interest rates offered by Revolut. This can result in substantial savings over the life of the loan compared to other options on the market.

4. Flexibility in Payment Options

Revolut loans offer flexibility in payment options. Customers can choose terms and installments that best suit their financial needs, making payment more manageable.

5. Personal Loans for Various Purposes

Revolut personal loans can be used for a variety of purposes, from unexpected medical expenses to home improvement projects. This provides a versatile solution to suit individual needs.

6. Business Loans to Boost Business

For businesses, the Revolut Business Loan is a valuable tool to drive growth. It can be used to expand operations, invest in inventory or working capital.

7. No Collateral Required

A big advantage is that the Revolut Loan requires no collateral or collateral, making it more accessible to a wider range of customers. This is particularly valuable for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

8. Convenience and Accessibility

Affordability is one of the most striking features of the Revolut Loan. Customers can apply for loans and manage their finances directly through the app, anytime, anywhere, saving time and effort.

9. Quality Customer Service

Revolut has a track record of quality customer service. Customers can count on fast and effective support to answer questions or resolve problems related to the loan.

10. Additional Benefits for Premium Customers

Revolut Premium customers enjoy additional benefits such as even more advantageous interest rates, higher loan limits and other exclusive perks, making borrowing even more attractive.

11. No Geographic Limitations

Another notable advantage is the lack of geographic limitations. Revolut operates internationally, which means customers from different parts of the world can access its lending services.

12. Simplified Application Process

The Revolut Loan application process is simple with minimal requirements. This is particularly beneficial for those looking for a quick, hassle-free solution.

13. Access to Innovative Financial Tools

In addition to loans, Revolut offers a range of innovative financial tools such as budgeting, investments and cryptocurrencies that can help customers achieve their financial goals.

14. Credit Building or Improvement

By making timely payments on Revolut loans, customers can improve or build their credit history. This can be valuable for future financial transactions.

In summary, the Revolut Personal and Business Loan offers a number of notable advantages, from fast approval and competitive interest rates to payment flexibility and convenience. Both individuals and businesses can benefit from these affordable and transparent lending options, making Revolut an attractive choice for those seeking flexible and convenient financial solutions.

Additionally, it's essential to keep in mind that while loans can be a powerful tool for achieving specific goals, such as home improvements or business expansion, they also represent a serious financial commitment. Prudent use of loans, combined with effective financial planning, can result in significant benefits, such as building or improving credit, as mentioned previously.

However, lack of planning can lead to financial challenges.

We are here to remind you that if you are new to the world of finance, the ideal is for you to look for a qualified professional to guide you and help you find the ideal loan for your profile, following your goals and objectives.