Unemployment Insurance: See if you qualify

According to the Caixa Econômica Federal press office, immediate dismissal does not prevent the worker from receiving unemployment insurance.

What prevents you from obtaining this insurance is your own income to support yourself and your family, or receiving ongoing Social Security benefits other than death annuity or accident benefit. More information about unemployment insurance can be found here by reading the article.

What is benefit?

Unemployment insurance is a cash benefit paid to unemployed workers for a period of three to five payments. The number of benefits to receive depends on the type of work, that is, the number of months worked and also whether the worker has already received the benefit.

Who is entitled to unemployment insurance?

The following are eligible: formal and domestic workers for unfair dismissal, including indirect dismissal; Formal employees whose employment contract has been suspended due to participation in a professional qualification course or program offered by the employer; commercial fishermen during the closed season; Workers rescued from slave-like conditions.

Conditions for receiving unemployment insurance

In the case of employees with a formal contract, that is, employees who work in a company with a formal contract, see now, these are the requirements:

Dismissal without just cause; unemployment when applying for the benefit; payment of salaries by a legal person or natural person equivalent to a legal person (registered with the CEI) in relation to:

  1. Request: at least 12 (twelve) months in the last 18 (eighteen) months immediately preceding the date of termination;
  2. Application: at least 9 (nine) months in the last 12 (twelve) months immediately preceding the date of dismissal;
  3. Request: each of the six (6) months immediately preceding the Renunciation Date, when other requests are made. Not having your own income to support yourself and your family; Do not receive ongoing Social Security benefits other than an annuity for death or accident.

Domestic employee modality

  • They were terminated without just cause; have worked exclusively as a domestic worker for at least 15 months in the last 24 months prior to the date of the layoff that gave the right to unemployment insurance;
  • Have made at least 15 payments to the FGTS as a domestic worker;
  • Be an individual taxpayer registered with Social Security and have at least 15 contributions to the INSS;
  • Do not have enough income to support yourself and your family;​
  • No receipt of social security benefits or continued payments, with the exception of accident benefit and death benefit.​​​


Suspension of the employment contract in accordance with the provisions of a collective agreement or convention, due to participation in a professional qualification course or program offered by the employer.

Who carries out artisanal fishing

  • ​Register with the INSS as a special insured person; ​Have proof of fish sales to a legal entity or cooperative in the last 12 months prior to the beginning of the closed season;​
  • Eligible for continuation of social security or social assistance, with exemption from accident benefit or pension in the event of death;
  • Proof of professional exercise of an artisanal fishing activity during the closed season and that you have continuously dedicated yourself to fishing during the period between the previous and current closed season;
  • ​Not having a job or other job or source of income other than fishing.​​

Worker who performed slave labor

Proven rescued from forced labor or conditions similar to slavery; Did not receive any Social Security benefits other than accident benefit and death benefit; ​Not having your own income to support yourself and your family.

See too:

Pedro Henrique

Website editor, trained in publicity and advertising, always bringing the best news, tips, applications and finance to the reader. I believe that education and information move the world.